Monday, November 9, 2009

What if?

1.)What if skittles really fell from the syk like rain.

2.)What if horses had really little legs but their bodies remained relativly large.

3.)What if women had back hair and men where hairless.

4.)What if dogs walked their people on a leash.

5.)What if it were ok to put invisible dog fence collars on our children.

6.)What if duct tape had not been invented.

7.)What if we could tell the cable company that we wanted service hooked up to our house and we might be home to meet with them somtime between the hours of 8AM and 3:00PM and they would have to stop everything and wait on us instead of vice versa.

8.)What if instead of 2 hands and 2 feet we had 4 hands and no feet.

9.)What if men had to breast feed and women could take their shirt off in public.

10.)What if the banks had to fight to loan us money instead of us having to fight to get the banks to loan us money.

11.)What if Spam mystery meat was good to eat and good for you.

12.)What if government officials were subject to monthy reviews by a randomly selected group of peers (much like jury duty)

13.)What if hot pockets were our main source of energy.

14.)What if Microsoft went out of business today.

15.)What if Linus Torvolds was president of the United States and Richard Stallman was his VP.

16.) What if wearing clothing was something we did only in private.

17.) What if people were nocturnal animals.

18.) What if Scott Bayo had created the company Victorias Secret.

19.) What if acception a list of demands at gunpoint was considered a leagal contract in US court system.

20.) What if money was not the driving motivational factor in the US.

21.) What if higher education were free

22.) What if computers had a will and do cognative reasoning.

23.) What if everyone only had eight toes.

24.) What if we could teleport from place to place using only our minds, would any one be where they are right now.

25.) What if virtue was the deciding factor in financial stablization.

26.)What if people always get what they deserved.

27.)What if the sky was dark and the ground was lit.

28.) What if Uverse was offered in my neigborhood.

29.) What if we where born infinite knowledge of the universe but slowly lost it as we aged.

30.) What if neighbors were really a joy to have.

31.) What if the hollowdeck was real.

32.) What if the earth were going to explode in 5 minutes.

33.) What if I could remember the assigments were due at 12:PM and not 12AM

34.) What if Maybe meant definitly and No meant maybe.

35.) What if people could only see a full spectrum of color on the last wedness day of every month.

36.) What if we only worked 30 hour work weeks in the US.

37.) What if public schools werent so rotton.

38.) what if everyone functioned with at least a base level of common sense

39.) What if we could communicate to each other with our minds with 100% accuracy.

40.) What if everyone voted.

41.) what if everyone actually raised their own children rather than just bred.

42.) What if pot were legal and taxable.

43.)What if dogs could talk to us.

44.) What if we knew with certainty how we will live and die from the day we are born.

45.)What if cars were illeagal

46.)What if houses were made of marshmellow

47.) What if we turned to marshmellow when we are bad.

48.) What if rotten eggs had a pleasant smell.

49.) What if you had to get a permit from the city to wear spandex.

50.) What if I have my family complete this exercise every friday night before dinner.

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